Abhik's Blog

Hello World - Starting a new Blog Series

April 12, 2020

This is my first post on my blog! How exciting!

For the last few years, I have been building distributed systems in Dot Net. As a result, I live in the Microsoft ecosystem bubble of Azure, Service Fabric, Windows, Azure DevOps , etc.

With DotNet being open source and cross-platform, .NET core should work with all the OSS tech out there. This series will look at how we can build a DotNet app, make it talk to some of the leading OSS frameworks and build a polyglot app.

And I want to do all of this without using anything from the typical dot net ecosystem other than the language itself. That means no Azure, no service fabric, etc.

The primary aim for this series is for me to learn and some how documenting what I learn helps me grok things easily. Hope, some of you might benefit from this as well.